Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Resolve - post more blog!

Thanks to a prompt from Kim, James and I will also be getting the blog up to date, at least. There have been a lot of changes so it'll probably just be a lot of pictures to begin with. Bear with us and we'll get the whole story up soon. After all, it has only been, well, 4 months, since our last blog. Ugggh!


Anonymous said...

How's that goin so far?

jeff said...

just teach charles & frankie how to write and leave them with the laptop during their daylong adventures. I'm sure they have some delightful commentary between them.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh! If you are going to do that you should get one of those cameras too so we can see them as they post their daily entries. Speaking of which a Frankie and tiny Elvis update would be a good one one to post if you are just lacking in ideas!

Anonymous said...

How're those pics comin'?

Judith Taylor Inge said...

I do believe you, you know..thousands wouldn't.


Anonymous said...

at least thousands...if you would write anything for the masses to read! It's February. By the way all the SA Anonymous comments are far.


Anonymous said...

i can't believe you haven't posted pictures of your fancy new bathroom yet! you need to get on that! :)

here i started our blog, but i can't figure out how to add you! it's

jeff said...

so 11 posts all of last year.

I know you want to surpass and are likely taking it slow...

there might actually be more comments on this post than the number of posts themselves.

ah the irony.

Anonymous said...

it's Spring!!!!!!!!! Time for that quarterly posting!

Beth and Abigail said...

It has officially been 6's the house??